Diverse Male Scholars Initiative Nov. 4 Workshop
Are you a male identified Humboldt State University student of color who’s looking for resources? Or looking into joining HSU’s student of color programs or even simply just curious on what Diverse Male Scholars Initiative is about?
The Diverse Male Scholars Initiative (DMSI) will be hosting a “Young Males of Color Empowerment” workshop on Nov. 4 via Zoom at 4 p.m. and will be having guest speaker Dariel “DT” Henry, Ph.D. Male students of color will be given a space to talk comfortably on the challenges they face in college and relate to one another, to create plans on how to navigate the challenges.
Henry is the Director of Trio Students Support Services at Massasoit Community College in Brockton, Massachusetts. Henry has a background in strategic skills and plans on increasing retention and graduation rates for students of color.

To learn more about him check out DT Henry’s blog.
The DMSI “is designed to cultivate a safe community for self- identified students of color, essentially by providing culturally centered programs strengthened with academic achievement, holistic development community building, as well as leadership opportunities,” committee member Devon Hernandez said.
The birth of the DMSI was almost three years ago due to trends nationwide on retention and graduation rates that impact male students of color.
Fernando Paz, central committee member and one of the founders of Diverse Male Scholars Initiative at HSU, spoke about his experience on the birth of the program and said “I went to this meeting that is a part of a system wide initiative called Young Men of Color Consortium, Spring 2018.”
At the meeting, Paz recognized the way male students of color retention and graduation trends disproportionately impact this community.
The workshop will serve as a virtual launch party for the initiative and will inform their audience in depth about the goals and objectives of the community. Students can register at DMSI- Young Males of Color Workshop and also find out more by emailing dmsi@humboldt.edu.