
Community reacts to Wildberries video

Protesters gathered outside of Wildberries Market in Arcata on Jan. 21, after security footage of general manager Aaron Gottschalk aggressively detaining a suspected shoplifter leaked on Reddit. 

The video shows Gottschalk walk up behind the suspect and grab her backpack. The suspect attempts to pull away as he pulls her back inside the store. They struggle and eventually he pushes her to the ground and gets on top of her. The video ends with the suspect being taken away by police.

A day prior to the protest, Wildberries owner, Phil Ricard, sent an email to staff that was also leaked to Reddit.

“The rumors and accusations have been circulating among people who have little or no knowledge of the actual circumstances or facts,” Ricard said in the email. The email states Gottschalk will “work from home as needed.”

Protesters carry signs outside of Wildberries that read “Buy one get assaulted for free”, “No violence over spilled milk” and “F*ck Aaron Gottschalk”. | Photo by Nat Cardos.
Protesters gather outside of Wildberries Marketplace in Arcata after leaked security footage of general manager Aaron Gottschalk allegedly assaulting a suspected shoplifter. | Photo by Nat Cardos
Protesters cover their faces with handmade signs outside of Wildberries. | Photo by Nat Cardos
Protesters at the Wildberries parking lot exit. | Photo by Nat Cardos

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