
Associated Students Board unanimously removes President Finley

The Associated Students of Cal Poly Humboldt is a recognized non-profit student-body government. A.S. is the university voice for student opinions. The organization assists in allocating funds for student-led programs, advocating for students and helps make institutional changes at Cal Poly Humboldt.

On Feb. 20, the Associated Students’ Board conducted an impeachment trial for former A.S. President Jeremiah Finley,  After six hours of a thorough impeachment trial, all A.S. members unanimously impeached former President Finley. 

The Articles of impeachment against Finley included, overstepping the bounds of their office without the advice or consent of the Board of Directors, unilateral decision-making, violation of California Law AB 361, and violation of the Gloria Romero Open Meeting Act of 2000.

Former President Finley was given the opportunity to speak after the impeachment trial was over. 

“I really appreciate every, every single one of you, and I truly do apologize for the hurt and on the up cost. That’s never my intention,” said Finley.  

“It takes a lot for us to go through that, sort of, time intensive and mental health intensive,” said Giovanni Guerrero, a member of A.S. 

During his time with the Associated Students, Guerrero explains that to his knowledge, there hasn’t been an impeachment trial with the A.S. Board at Cal Poly Humboldt.

Guerrero went on to explain that there are multiple layers as to why the impeachment trial happened and the biggest layer for him was former President Finley’s treatment towards other A.S. members. According to Guerrero, these members were belittled, micro aggressed, and did not feel safe communicating with the former A.S. president.

“It’s just unacceptable to treat people in a manner when they’re here in a space to do things they want to do to improve student lives … it’s just not okay,” said Guerrero. “I really hope whoever is our next president, addresses the structural problems within Association Students.” 

Who will be the A.S. president now?

On Feb. 22, the A.S. held a special meeting to discuss who will fill the vacant president position.

At the end of the meeting, A.S. members chose Lizbeth Cano Sanchez, a senior in business marketing, to become the next A.S. President for Cal Poly Humboldt.

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